
Hessa (pronounced H-eh-ss-ah). Born in London, based in Southampton. Kosovan-albanian heritage.I'm a Junior Level Artist over at Glowmade! When I'm not dressing levels, I'm creating 3D and 2D stylised artwork. I take inspiration from all aspects of life; architecture, film, fashion, nature, etc.My other interests include first person shooters, film, non-fiction literature, anime and Dr Pepper.I would like to blame Blinx: The Time Sweeper and Warframe for my career choices today.

3D Artwork

2D Artwork


My most recent employment is with Glowmade as a Junior Level Artist.I am most interested in exploring Art-related roles as well as Production!
My portfolio is on ArtStation.
Feel free to direct message me through any of my socials!Alternatively, my email is hessashabani@gmail.com.